Higor Felype

Computer Engineering student (tenth period) at UFRN, morning shift, and Industrial Automation technician at IMD - UFRN. Has knowledge in Web and database programming (SQL / NoSQL), as well as technologies, frameworks and methodologies to aid in the development of new applications. In his quest for knowledge, he had contact with full stack development tools such as Scrum, Docker, Angular2 +, Node.js, Git versioning, among others.


Frontend Developer

Connecta - Aplicações Inteligentes

Currently I'm a frontend developer using more expressively ReactJS and Angular 8 to developer/improve many applications.

February of 2020 – Currently

Web Developer Intern

Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 21ª Região

I worked in the web development area from TRT21, developing applications with Angular6 / AngularJs and Java tools. However, skills such as drafting documentation and system manuals, data modeling and queries, and database manipulation are also present.

August of 2018 – February of 2020

Frontend Development Intern


At this intership, I worked in the maintenance of company systems, using the AngularJS framework. In addition to web application development, hardware and network infrastructure support activities have also been developed, constantly interacting with people from different departments.

June of 2018 – August of 2018

FullStack Developer

Multiprova / CAPES

I worked as a developer using tools like Docker, Git and Scrum aiming at better team performance. During this period I also learned frameworks like ReactJS and NodeJS, using MongoDB as database. Thus, contributing to the development of the Multiprova exam management/application platform, which will be used by CAPES and Comperve in the future.

June of 2019 – November of 2019

Monitor of Language and Logic of Programming


I participated in the Teaching Project "Stimulus to teaching through the monitoring of Logic and Language of Programming for Bachelor in S&T at UFRN". In this project, I helped several students in the development of applications using the C ++ and JavaScript languages.

March of 2018 – December of 2018

Education & Certifications

Industrial Automation Technician

Instituto Metrópole Digital (IMD) - UFRN
February of 2015 - May of 2017

Bachelor of Science and Technology

Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia (ECT) - UFRN

Emphasis: Computer Engineering

January 2015 - July 2018

Bachelor of Computer Engineering

Departamento de Engenharia de Computação e Automação (DCA) - UFRN
July 2018 - July 2020
  • Semana OmniStack 11 2019
  • The Web Developer Bootcamp 2019
  • Monitor of Language and Logic of Programming 2018
  • Construindo Aplicações Web Com o Novo Angular (4, 5 e 6) 2019


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Agile Development & Scrum
  • portuguese level: native
  • english level: intermediate level


Tools & Languages

frontend: ReactJS, Bootstrap 4.3, CSS3
backend: NodeJS


frontend: Higor e Weslen
backend: Pedro



System that aims to inform the user about job offers in São Gonçalo do Amarante / RN and, in addition, users can register on the site

Tools & Languages

frontend: ReactJS, Bootstrap 4.3, CSS3
backend: Django


frontend: Higor e Weslen
backend: Matheus



System that aims to show company data at a high level for the SEBRAE organization.

Tools & Languages

frontend: ReactJS, Bootstrap 4.3, CSS3
backend: Django


frontend: Higor
backend: Pedro



System that aims to connect the doctor/nurse to the patient through web chat. Thereby, providing certificated recipes for them.

Tools & Languages

frontend: Angular 7, Bootstrap 4.1, CSS3
backend: API rest to test the frontend application


frontend: Higor
backend: without



Meat App is a restaurant service app, developed in Angular 4.3 during a Udemy course. Basically, it has many features like restaurant search, ordering and so on. In addition, the application uses the concepts of CRUD with backend in Node.js

Tools & Languages

frontend: EJS, jQuery, DOM, Bootstrap
backend: Node.js, Express.js


Higor (fullStack)



System produced in order to make a page/portfolio available to the user. This way, he can describe his projects for other users see and evaluate. In addition there is the possibility for users to make their main contact information available on the system.

Tools & Languages

frontend: Angular 7, Bootstrap 4.1, CSS3
backend: Java


frontend: Higor
backend: Júlio e Michel



The TRT21 Security Module is intended to attempt to filter out improper access to web services exposed on the Internet in a way not yet implemented in existing firewalls. The project contains features such as: Limiting the daily amount of use of a web service from the same IP, possibility of configuring IP lists, among others funcionalities.

Tools & Languages

frontend: AngularJS, Bootstrap 4.0, CSS, HTML
backend: Java


frontend: Higor, Daniel e Mailson
backend: Antônio



The TRT-21 Transparency Portal aims to make public the financial expenses incurred by the court. Being able to access through this system, purchases made, bids made, remuneration structure of court members, among other information.

Tools & Languages

frontend: Angular 6, Bootstrap 4.1, CSS3
backend: Java


frontend: Higor
backend: Davi



System that aims to provide and manage the accreditation of lawyers in companies. For this, a web system is available for lawyers and companies to consult the accreditation / disqualification documents. In addition, this has an internal court system to enable this service.

Tools & Languages

frontend: Angular 5, Angular Material
backend: Java


frontend: Higor & Michel
backend: TRT-8 collaborators


page: unavaliable yet


Precatory Manager is an application designed to help you find a variety of information related to companies / people owing a public service

Tools & Languages

frontend: EJS, HTML & CSS
backend: NodeJS


frontend: Higor
backend: Higor



Project developed in The Web Developer Bootcamp course. It is possible to share images of campgrounds among different people. In addition, it also have resources as registration and login features, and much more.


A fan of the web universe and, consequently, of the wonders that can be done by a few lines of code, in my spare time I usually like deepen my knowledge and study technological trends that are emerging every day in the market.

When at work, I always strive to maintain a good personal relationship with co-workers and perform a good and efficient job.



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